Hi i'm
a Software developer

Full Stack Developer / Web / Android / iOS / Mac / Windows

/ About Me

My Projects

Here are some of my projects. The Current ones, The Completed ones and inshallah the Future ones.
i'm Alhamduliah always open to new Ideas.
Contact me if you have any.


ahadith Collection

ahadith Collection is a collection of the majority of the available Sahih Hadiths. The App will inshallah be available in (English/Urdu/Arabic). The entire hadith data has been taken only from the authetic sources ex-(www.sunnah.com) , more reference will inshallah be given inside the app under the Credits Seaction, the app will be inshallah be available very soon, you can track the Progress below.

completion :

100 % ✅

status :




Salah Times App

Salah Times, as the name suggests the app will inshallah provide you with the Times of the Salah acording to your Precise Location. Why Precise ? Because Salah in alahdulillah the most important aspect of emaan. The App will inshallah also have Qibla Compass. Need to suggest a feature? Why wait ? Contact !!

Qur'anic Arabic Course App

The app will inshallah feature FULL and FREE Madinah Arabic Course, teaching the arabic of the al Qur'an.The course will inshallah be in video format with all the printable / Handbooks / notes. This arabic Course is alhmdulillah purely authentic and inshallah it will help you to learn the arabic of the al Qur'an and also to understand it. Alhamdulillah